25 de julho é o dia do escritor, e nada mais justo que o Listas Literárias elaborar esta lista como forma de parabenizar a todos os valentes e insistentes homens e mulheres que se dedicam a carreira de escritor.
1 - É uma das únicas carreiras em que o sucesso independe da aparência e da beleza, e que tais fatores não são preponderantes para abrirem-se as portas e oportunidades. Ao escritor exige-se apenas um bom texto;
2 – Geralmente escritores cujos nomes são grafados em letras muito maiores que a dos títulos de seus livros, são muito bons em vendas;
3 – Atualmente está bem menos complicado um autor conseguir publicar seu livro. Em compensação continua muito difícil para que ele alcance o sucesso editorial, e o tão sonhando contrato com grandes editoras;
4 – Mesmo que haja cursos de preparação, aos escritores não se exige ou obriga uma formação superior, e em muitos casos, o sucesso pode chegar àqueles sem formação acadêmica, como exemplo o grande mago, Paulo Coelho;
5 – Enganam-se os que imaginam ser a carreira de escritor simples de ser exercida, pois para quem realmente almeja ser um vencedor, lhe será exigido organização, planejamento, dedicação, e muito trabalho;
6 – Os escritores são responsáveis por registrar no papel o contexto social em que vivem, e seja na ficção ou não, acabam por compartilhar suas críticas e visões sobre o mundo, e desta forma nos revelando como caminha a humanidade ao longo dos tempos;
7 – Aliás, através da possibilidade visionária da literatura, muitos escritores puderam antever muito dos avanços científicos, como a viagem à lua, os robôs, a alta tecnologia... Tudo isto antes de serem criados, foram sonhados por escritores;
8 – O sonho de muitos candidatos a escritores em receber um cheque de adiantamento por seus trabalhos, ainda é uma realidade para poucos;
9 – Ser escritor vai muito além de se publicar um livro, porém por mais experiência na escrita que você tenha, a sociedade passara a considerá-lo de fato um escritor apenas ao ver seu nome no bom e indispensável livro impresso;
10 – O Brasil vive uma realidade em que muitos têm buscado pela carreira de escritor, e que neste meio há muitos com talento suficiente para em breve serem reconhecidos pelo grande público;
Maravilhosas observações sobre a carreira mais intelectual exercida! Muito obrigada!
ResponderExcluirsou Davi sales e penso em ser escritor,pelo fato de gostar de escrever cotidianamente
ResponderExcluirEste comentário foi removido pelo autor.
ExcluirBora então tirar isso dos pensamento, e por em prática. O principal você possui, o gostar!
ResponderExcluirPrimeiro passo: Aprofunde mais os seus estudos na língua portuguesa. Não dá para levar a sério como escritora uma pessoa que escreve "deis de".
ExcluirSegundo passo: O "Caps Lock" não deixa texto nenhum mais interessante. Então por favor, só use caixa alta quando for necessário.
Terceiro passo: Você tem a sorte de possuir uma bela massa encefálica cor-de-rosa dentro da sua caixola funcionando. Use-a. Ou você acha que fazer uma história é assim tão fácil?
Quarto passo (ou melhor, Aviso): De modo algum receba este comentário como um escárnio. Lembre-se, foi você quem pediu por conselhos. Só estou fazendo uma boa ação.
Uma Pessoa Anônima de Passagem.
Não acredite em tudo que lê, ainda mais se for colocado como ícone vertebrado!
ResponderExcluirNelson Teixeira
C.S. SCRIBLERIUS,the writer without a face
ResponderExcluirThe Mysterious Writer Without a Face
Among an I number every time larger of authors that walk in the shadows detached the mysterious C.S. Scriblerius, believed is a pseudonym as of Twelve Hawks. The mysterious man without face announces his production as a writer that nobody saw and whose identity is the subject starting from their writings pages. Everything that it is known about those authors and their works as ''"Percyfaw Code"'',de Scriblerius, made available by limited time as e-book in an apparent strategy of marketing of enormous success in the web and ''"The Traveler"'', Twelve Hawks published amid the style of Hollywood hype where disembarked in the list bestseller of the newspaper The New Times.The mysterious to Thomas Pynchon's same style, Philip Roth, JD Salinger,B.Traven, Cormac McCarthy, authors C.S. Scriblerius and Twelve Hawks "live out of the grating", meaning that you chose roads no so conventional in the market editorial, using like this other means for popularization of their works,and, hindering of they be tracked.
The magician Maskelyne conceived of a plan to use British occultist Aleister Crowley, an occult agent acronym of Maskmelin [5],
spy magician of "The Seven Circle", also Secret Agent code number 777,
reference book based in Qabalistic writings of Crowley is a collection
of papers written by Aleister Crowley, it was edited and introduced by
Dr. Israel Regardie.
Maskelyne and Fleming or brother Peter Fleming, agents "Lantern"
recruited the "The Seven Circle" to trick Rudolf Hess into attempting to
contact a fake cell of anti-Churchill Englishmen in Britain, but this
plan was not used because Hess had flown to Scotland in an attempt to
broker peace behind Hitler's back. Anthony Masters's book "The Man Who
Was M: The Life of Charles Henry Maxwell Knight" asserts Fleming
conceived the plan that lured Hess into flying to Scotland, in May 1941,
to negotiate Anglo–German peace with Churchill, and resulted in Hess's
capture: this claim
Controverted mysterious illustration disappeared in the beginning of
Second World War and that turned into half biographical character, half
ficction, a true hoax that has their slopes in sites, blogs and several
wikis and searchers of researches of the virtual universe.
ResponderExcluirAdmirers of Carlos Castañeda wonder how much truth about his mysterious death .
But despite Castaneda's obsessive pursuit of complete anonymity , he refused to be photographed or recorded and almost never gave interviews , he gained international fame , and books continue to sell well after their fashion passed.
In recent years , he emerged with a new vision , the teaching of Tensegrity , which is described in Cleargreen site as "a modernized version of some movements called magical passes developed by Indian shamans who lived in Mexico in times prior to the Spanish conquest . " he even made public appearances and spoke at seminars that promote the work .
Unknown to customers just for the seminars that cost $ 600 and more - Castaneda was dying of cancer while describing his route to vibrant good health, perhaps one of their shamanic journeys or even a future of deception that would happen to you .
Indeed , although only his inner circle knew about it , he died on April 27 at his home in Westwood , a section of well -to-do Los Angeles , where he lived for many years with some of the self - described witches , stalkers , dreamers and spiritual seekers who shared his work .
It has been alleged that Carlos taught his close devotees that when he perished, he would disappear into a flash of light rather than die a human physical death, and would join every point in the universe. Also that if they were with him holding hands at the time of his death, they would also vanish into a flash of light rather than die physically (he later died of pancreatic cancer). It is alleged that Carlos had told Partin to meet him in death valley, where they would join the stars together. Her car was found a few miles from her body, in the middle of death valley, where average daytime temperatures exceed 35'C.
Invariably described as a flawless person who kept his affairs in perfect order , Castaneda apparently signed the will on April 23 , and then strangely died at 3 am on April 27 , ie four days later where his death certificate said mortis causa " metabolic encephalopathy , a neurological breakdown" that followed two weeks of liver failure and 10 months of cancer. Something very strange , because the signature is partially obscured , and his son CJ Castaneda and his mother , Margaret Castaneda , say that does not look like the signature Castaneda .
He was cremated within hours of his death . His death was kept secret for more than two months until the word was leaked and confirmed by their representatives , who said the death was kept quiet in line with the pursuit of lifelong Castaneda privacy .
His will cited assets of $ 1 million , a modest number for an author who has sold so well and apparently lived simply. All their goods were delivered to the Eagle Trust , created while the will . It is unclear how much additional assets had been placed in the trust , but a London newspaper recently estimated its assets at $ 20 milhões.Ao it seems to some of his fans and the author simulated his death and disappeared as the their shamanic writings and now lives in Mexico or by some track raised by his followers in Brazil , in the same place from where he left to study at UCLA in North America . Apparently today writes under the pseudonym C.S.Scriblerius , known as writings faceless author MAGICAL MYSTERY TRAVEL an Percyfaw Code.